Silicone popsicle molds are versatile and practical kitchen items

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Silicone popsicle molds are versatile and practical kitchen items

By admin / Date Apr 27,2024
This silicone popsicle mold is a versatile and practical kitchen item, specially designed for making popsicles, smoothies, jelly and other frozen foods. It comes in a colorful design including chocolate, teal, red and orange that not only whets appetites but also adds a pop of color to the kitchen. The size of each mold is 175*45*30 mm. This size ensures that the popsicles are of moderate size and are easy to hold and eat.

The main material of this mold is silica gel, which is a very safe food-grade material that does not contain harmful substances and is harmless to the human body. Silicone material has good heat and cold resistance and can be frozen in the refrigerator for a long time without deformation or cracking. In addition, the flexibility of silicone makes the demoulding process very easy. With just a gentle squeeze, the popsicle can be completely removed from the mold.

The packaging of the product is made of OPP (oriented polypropylene) material, which is a transparent plastic bag packaging that is both environmentally friendly and convenient for product display. The unit weight of each mold is 46 grams, which makes the molds lightweight and easy to carry. The gross weight and net weight of the whole box of products are 8.4 kg and 7.4 kg respectively, which shows that the packaging is compact and suitable for large-volume transportation and storage.

When using this silicone popsicle mold, you can pour various juices, fruit purees, yogurt or other ingredients into the mold according to your own preferences and creativity, and then put it in the refrigerator to freeze. In a few hours, you can enjoy healthy and delicious homemade popsicles. This mold is not only suitable for home use, but also very suitable for consumers who pay attention to healthy eating and creative cooking.

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